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- Pokemon
MinecraftVintage story!!! Try it out!!- Inscryption
- Fucked up & evil robots/AI
- Evolution Theory & Environmental Science (Not professionally studying it, just think its neat)
- Plants
- Psychology stuff (Again, just think its neat)
- Character design
- Color theory
- Animation
- Story telling
- Horror/Surrealism
- Web design/HTML (still learning)
Hi I'm Coda, I do the digital art thing.I primarily post furry/anthro centered art with a generous helping of fanart thrown into the mix. Due to mental health reasons I tend to post very inconsistently and may also hyperfixate on one subject for awhile then drop it out of the blue, picking it back up again months later.I'm also plural. Some of my alters also draw and may post under the same accounts from time to time. They may or may not clarify when it is them posting versus myself.
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Before You Follow:
I don't post/repost explicitly pornographic stuff on my main accounts (the TrifoliumAries ones) but all my accounts are still 18+. I don't want minors following
- Crude/sexual jokes
- Vaguely suggestive imagery
- Light gore/blood
- Discussion of trauma and mental health
- Horror content
- Dereality/unreality
- Generally uncomfortable and upsetting things that may allude general classification, such as phobias (tagged case by case)
I did have a DNI section on here at some point but it has since been removed because I find them reductive and counterintuitive to their purpose, at best. I will make a point that I don't fuck with crypto/NFTs, and you are not allowed to train any type of machine learning algorithm off any of the content I produce.
Additional Info:
- I try to put up content warnings for common triggers, let me know if I missed something or need to add one to my list of things to warn for.
- I'm not always keen on talking one-on-one with people I don't know well already; including followers and mutuals. You can dm me if you'd like, but don't be surprised if I don't respond quickly (or at all) unless its urgent. It likely isn't personal.
- I am neurodivergent and struggle with poor mental health, this effects all aspects of my life including my online presence.
- Don't prod me for personal info - especially about my mental health or alters. I'll share what I feel like sharing.
- Don't engage me in discourse unless I've already engaged in the discourse myself.
- Please give me the chance to correct myself if I fuck up. I am human, I am ignorant: mistakes are inevitable.

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My Webbed Site:
Planning to use this as my defacto online hub area; will replace this carrd once it's more functional (writing HTML/CSS can be a slow progress)

Places I post art:
Other stuff:
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- Pokemon
MinecraftVintage story!!! Try it out!!- Inscryption
- Fucked up & evil robots/AI
- Evolution Theory & Environmental Science (Not professionally studying it, just think its neat)
- Plants
- Psychology stuff (Again, just think its neat)
- Character design
- Color theory
- Animation
- Story telling
- Horror/Surrealism
- Web design/HTML (still learning)
Hi I'm Coda, I do the digital art thing.I primarily post furry/anthro centered art with a generous helping of fanart thrown into the mix. Due to mental health reasons I tend to post very inconsistently and may also hyperfixate on one subject for awhile then drop it out of the blue, picking it back up again months later.I am also the host of a DID system. Some of my alters also draw and may post under the same accounts from time to time. They may or may not clarify when it is them posting versus myself.
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Before You Follow:
Typically speaking I don't post much I would consider to be NSFW, but I am an adult and do like to engage with adult topics and discussions. I also engage with friends/mutuals who are also adults and post adult content. I do my best to put content warnings before posts that may contain triggering content or stray out of SFW territory though. I don't really post pornography or heavily suggestive artwork (and if I plan to do so in the future it will be under a separate account), but I may post content containing:
- Crude/sexual jokes
- Vaugely suggestive imagery
- Light gore/blood
- Discussion of trauma and mental health
- Horror content
- Dereality/unreality
- Generally uncomfortable and upsetting things that may allude general classification, such as phobias (tagged case by case)
Point being: I don't want minors (i.e. anyone under 18 years of age) following me/ messaging me/ etc. I have nothing against kids, but this probably isn't the place for you to be hanging out online and it makes my life easier when I don't have to constantly check I'm being rated E for everyone.
That being said: I don't go out of my way to check for ages when they aren't clearly listed somewhere on someone's account (bio, pinned post, name, etc) but I will remove followers when I find out they're under 18 (keep re-following and I'll block you outright). Follow at your own discretion - it is your responsibility to curate your online spaces.
I did have a DNI section on here at some point but it has since been removed because I find them reductive and counterintuitive to their purpose. I will make a point that I don't fuck with crypto/NFTs, and you are not allowed to train any type of learning algorithm off any of the content I produce.
Additional Info:
- I try to put up content warnings for common triggers, let me know if I missed something or need to add one to my list of things to warn for.
- I'm not always keen on talking to people I don't know well already; including followers and mutuals. You can dm me if you'd like, but don't be surprised if I don't respond quickly (or at all) unless its urgent. It likely isn't personal.
- I am neurodivergent and struggle with poor mental health, this effects all aspects of my life including my online presence.
- Don't prod me for personal info - especially about my mental health or alters. I'll share what I feel like sharing.
- Don't engage me in discourse unless I've already engaged in the discourse myself.
- Please give me the chance to correct myself if I fuck up. I am human, I am ignorant: mistakes are inevitable.

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Planned to be my main internet hub for art and personal stuff, Massive WIP
TLDR on CoHost: It's a tumblr-like blogging site (but kinda better). Will likely be moving from Tumblr to here
Just for art, very infrequent posting
No art, just other stuff. Likely distancing myself from the shit-fire of a site it's become
Infrequent art posting, also trying to distance myself; but hey! There's some art here
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